Privacy Policy for Bed Time Stories

At Bed Time Stories, accessible from our app, your privacy is a fundamental principle. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to respecting your privacy and explains that no data collection takes place when you use our app, aside from necessary processes related to subscription handling.

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding our Privacy Policy, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Subscription Handling

Our app Bed Time Stories does not generally collect, store, or share any personal information or any data that could be used to identify you. However, for the purpose of handling in-app subscriptions, we use a service called RevenueCat. RevenueCat collects and stores necessary data related to your subscription, such as your purchase history. This data is used strictly for managing your subscription and is not used for any other purposes.

Use of Cloudflare R2

We use Cloudflare R2 storage services to load audio files in our app. This service is used only for the purpose of delivering audio content and does not track or collect any personally identifiable information. Please note that Cloudflare R2 is a third-party service and its use is subject to its own terms and privacy policy, which can be found at Cloudflare's website.

No Other Third Party Access

Besides RevenueCat and Cloudflare R2, we do not provide access to any other third-party services or ad networks, and as such, no other data is collected or shared with third parties. Our app is purely dedicated to providing you with the best user experience, without tracking your activities or using your data.

Your Consent

By using our app, you hereby acknowledge our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms. As no other data is collected beyond what is required for subscription management, there is no need to worry about consenting to any additional data collection or storage processes.